Do you remember the first time you got on a bicycle? Cast your mind back, it may have been some years back now! The handlebars shaking in your hands and the pedals spinning idly beneath you as you clumsily find your feet….all part of the fun of learning! Still, we always had the stabilisers just in case and as time went on and we got more confident, Mum and Dad put their heads together and decided it was time for the stabilisers to come off. A truly scary moment for all of us, but with a little help from a steadying hand off we set, a little shaky at first but soon we got the hang of it and the stabilisers were a thing of the past!
As we got older our interest in all things on two wheels grew, no longer was the speed achieved from our frantic pedalling sufficient to get the blood pumping, we needed something else, something raw and gutsy to get around on.
So the wheels were set in motion and we would scour the listings for our first 50cc. With the license under our belt and our two wheels beneath us we had the freedom of the open road. Of course like anything as precious as our first scooter, the last thing we wanted was to leave it unprotected and bring a premature end to our biking days, the obvious solution was to go out and get a chain lock, find a lamp post or railing and lock it up whilst we attended to other things.
We stuck with this method for a few years and a few bikes, but once we had enough experience under our belt, it was time to start thinking of the future. It’s true to say that we don’t all have access to a safe place to lock our bike up at night. To keep safe our prized possession (whether it be a Harley or Yamaha, Honda or Norton, the passion is the same) the chain lock just wasn’t cutting it, there was no peace of mind anymore, we needed something more advanced, something that was in line with the financial and material value of our motorcycle….the motorbike alarm.
The motorbike alarm was the answer to our security needs and brought us in line with other motorists whom benefitted from such technology. So let’s explore the benefits of owning your own motorbike alarm; you’ve parked up and have jumped off ready to pop to the shops to grab a few small items, all you have to do is set the alarm from your remote, this instantly secures the bike. Depending on the type of motorbike alarm it could work in conjunction with your immobiliser(model dependent), so essentially without you and your key the bike is paralysed and no one in their right mind is going to try and carry your bike off and hope to get away with it, but if they do the bike isn’t going to go quietly, oh no!, its self referencing tilt sensor will set the piercing siren off that will alert you and many others that something altogether unsavoury is afoot.
God forbid that would ever happen, but having the motorbike alarm gives you the peace of mind you need and is a sound investment for the future.