Protecting one’s belongings is one of the most important things a person can do, especially in this modern day and age where criminals seem to be getting smarter by the minute. Whether those belongings are items which belong in the house, the garden or are your vehicles sitting on thr drive, it is essential that these are properly protected against theft and damage wherever possible. Luckily, as criminals get smarter, so does technology, so the battle to keep them at bay continues.
There are many security devices available on the market to protect different things, with a wide range of manufacturers producing such products. Take motorcycles, for example. The range of motorcycle alarms and security devices on the market is very wide and very diverse, with a full range of options available to suit the needs of most motorbike owners. There are many well known manufacturers who make motorcycle alarms, one of which is a company called Datatool.
Datatool have been trading in the motorcycle security sector since 1985 and their main aim and philiosophy has always been to provide high quality security systems that will keep a motorcycle safe and protected at all times. They are one of the world’s leading companies when it comes to providing motorcycle alarms, security and accessories, with dealerships found across the UK and abroad. The term ‘motorcycle’ covers a wide range of bikes covered by their motorcycle alarm and security products, such as scooters, off-roaders and sports bikes, as well as those used every day.
Having a motorcycle alarm doesn’t always prevent a bike from being stolen, but it definitely helps to reduce the risk – as a fact, without an alarm or immobiliser or some sort of security system, a motorcycle is twice as likely to be stolen, and as 80% of motorbikes are stolen from their owner’s homes, this is a very worrying statistic indeed! The cost of stolen motorcycles each year in the UK alone is approximately 3 million pounds, and, as bikes are somewhat easier to steal than cars they are a prime target for thieves, especially those looking to make a quick getaway. The act of putting an alarm or security system on a bike is therefore one that could end up saving you a lot of money and heartache in the long run; even though the initial cost and outlay could end up being quite expensive, it is worth it.
Some Datatool motorcycle alarms and security systems are accredited with Thatcham categories 1 & 2, which can help to bring an insurance premium down providing the alarm is present on the motorcycle on the day the insurance starts. This is not a certainty, but can definitely help, as the insurance company will know that there is less risk of the bike being stolen or vandalised when not in use. Even if the alarm system you want to use on your bike is Thatcham accredited, having an alarm or security system should help to keep the insurance premium down.